Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803

Local Offer


SEN - Local Offer

As part of the Government's SEND reforms, schools are required to publish additional information about the ways in which they support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  Each school will produce a document called the Local Offer which gives details of the type of support available for students at the school.  Details of the Local Offer for Shaftesbury can read using the link below.



LocaL Offer 2024.pdf .pdf
Learning Support

At Shaftesbury High School we have an experienced staff who provide support for those pupils with Special Educational Needs.

If you have any queries regarding our provision, please contact our SENCO Danielle Tilley.

Useful Information

Lancashire County Council - SEN Local Offer - The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

Lancashire County Council - Support at School - Each school must publish on their website a Local Offer detailing the level of support you can expect from the school if your child has special educational needs or a disability.

Lancashire County Council - Support for Schools - Forms and guidance for use by professionals working with children and young people aged 0-25 who have education, health care needs.  Includes SEN support, all about me profile, EHC plans and NHS SEND register.

Child & Family Support Team - Help for Parents & Carers - The Child and Family Support Team deliver the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) participation and communication strategy for Lancashire County Council.  This is a place where parent carers can find out local, regional and national information that is relevant to them and their families. These forums are a place for parents to have their voice heard, raise local concerns and provide parent to parent support.

Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803

Local Offer


SEN - Local Offer

As part of the Government's SEND reforms, schools are required to publish additional information about the ways in which they support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  Each school will produce a document called the Local Offer which gives details of the type of support available for students at the school.  Details of the Local Offer for Shaftesbury can read using the link below.



LocaL Offer 2024.pdf .pdf
Learning Support

At Shaftesbury High School we have an experienced staff who provide support for those pupils with Special Educational Needs.

If you have any queries regarding our provision, please contact our SENCO Danielle Tilley.

Useful Information

Lancashire County Council - SEN Local Offer - The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

Lancashire County Council - Support at School - Each school must publish on their website a Local Offer detailing the level of support you can expect from the school if your child has special educational needs or a disability.

Lancashire County Council - Support for Schools - Forms and guidance for use by professionals working with children and young people aged 0-25 who have education, health care needs.  Includes SEN support, all about me profile, EHC plans and NHS SEND register.

Child & Family Support Team - Help for Parents & Carers - The Child and Family Support Team deliver the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) participation and communication strategy for Lancashire County Council.  This is a place where parent carers can find out local, regional and national information that is relevant to them and their families. These forums are a place for parents to have their voice heard, raise local concerns and provide parent to parent support.

Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803

Local Offer


SEN - Local Offer

As part of the Government's SEND reforms, schools are required to publish additional information about the ways in which they support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  Each school will produce a document called the Local Offer which gives details of the type of support available for students at the school.  Details of the Local Offer for Shaftesbury can read using the link below.



LocaL Offer 2024.pdf .pdf
Learning Support

At Shaftesbury High School we have an experienced staff who provide support for those pupils with Special Educational Needs.

If you have any queries regarding our provision, please contact our SENCO Danielle Tilley.

Useful Information

Lancashire County Council - SEN Local Offer - The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

Lancashire County Council - Support at School - Each school must publish on their website a Local Offer detailing the level of support you can expect from the school if your child has special educational needs or a disability.

Lancashire County Council - Support for Schools - Forms and guidance for use by professionals working with children and young people aged 0-25 who have education, health care needs.  Includes SEN support, all about me profile, EHC plans and NHS SEND register.

Child & Family Support Team - Help for Parents & Carers - The Child and Family Support Team deliver the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) participation and communication strategy for Lancashire County Council.  This is a place where parent carers can find out local, regional and national information that is relevant to them and their families. These forums are a place for parents to have their voice heard, raise local concerns and provide parent to parent support.