Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803



At Shaftesbury we believe it is our duty to inspire young people to see the true value of maths in the wider world by bringing maths alive and making it interesting and accessible. Very often learners have low confidence in their mathematical ability, we aim to increase confidence and attainment so that our learners are either able to reintegrate quickly into mainstream education or to obtain a maths qualification when they leave us in Year 11.

Our aim is for all our students to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject by being able to:

·        Raidly and accurately recall and apply facts and concepts

·        Develop a growing confidence to reason mathematically

·        Develop the ability to apply maths to solve problems.



Pupils follow a scheme of learning which provides appropriate challenge and support at all levels in preparation for GCSE. In addition, all pupils are given the opportunity to obtain a functional skills qualification.

Each unit of work begins by ascertaining the pupil’s prior knowledge by use of a boarding card. This is used to identify each students individual starting point.

Lessons start with an opportunity to recall previous knowledge and address gaps in knowledge. This improves fluency and helps embed understanding.

Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual knowledge and skills, and assess pupils regularly to identify gaps in knowledge, so that these can be addressed.

Regular ‘low stake’ assessments and opportunities for deliberate practice are incorporated to support long term retention.

New concepts and vocabulary are introduced through direct teaching, with careful scaffolding to support student understanding. CEIAG and cross-curricular activities are incorporated in the curriculum.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

We recognise that pupils with SEND have a range of different needs and starting points. Some of our pupils have severe, complex or profound needs that have a significant impact on their cognitive development, especially the way that they are able to make alterations to their long-term memory. Teachers are ambitious for all pupils including those with SEND, developing and adapting the curriculum so that it is coherently sequenced to all pupils’ needs, starting points and aspirations for the future; acquiring the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.


·         Demonstrate fluency in key mathematical operations and procedures. 

·         Show the ability to reason mathematically and explain their thinking. 

·         Apply their knowledge to solve a range of problems, both within mathematics and in real-world contexts. 

·         Develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts that can be recalled and applied to new challenges. 

·         Use mathematical vocabulary accurately and confidently to explain and justify their thinking. 

Mathematics Documents

Maths Curriculum Overview 24-25.docx .docx
KS3 Scheme of Learning.pdf .pdf
Year 10 Scheme of Learning 24-25.pdf .pdf
Year 11 Scheme of Learning 24-25.pdf .pdf

For a link to exam board website please click here

Exam Board Specifications

gcse-maths-2015-specification.pdf .pdf