Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803

Our School

About Us

Shaftesbury High School strives to provide a caring, structured learning environment in which all pupils can develop academically, socially, emotionally and morally to their full potential and in which pupils and staff feel safe, secure and valued.

All pupils, without regard to age, aptitude, attainment level, ability or social circumstances, are entitled to an education of the highest quality.  Education is of value for its own sake and we seek to encourage all pupils to learn at school, outside school and beyond school age. 

We are committed to delivering a personalised curriculum, the derivation of which is based on thorough assessment of a pupil’s needs and preferences alongside their strengths and areas for development; pupils are provided with appropriate and challenging pathways.

Pupils at Shaftesbury enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which does not disadvantage them to their mainstream peers. 

We offer an environment where teachers can deliver an exciting and innovative curriculum and ensure the application and use of emerging technologies is paramount; we have consistently high expectations of all pupils.

Pupils at Shaftesbury High school will have been referred to us EITHER: 

By a Consultant referral which has been passed by a panel made up of professionals who decide whether a young person would benefit from a medical intervention at Shaftesbury High school. These are our OASIS pupils. 


  • Been permanently excluded from one or more schools.
  • Are new to area in Year 11.
  • Have been referred to us by mainstream partners in Chorley and South Ribble for a specific intervention. 

These are our ASPIRE pupils. 

Our aim and for all pupils is equal in ensuring that we build and support pathways to the most appropriate educational provision whether that be return or reintegration into a mainstream setting or placement within a specialist setting. 



Abigale Bowe


History of Our School Site

Shaftesbury High School (Previously Shaftesbury House Short Stay School) was opened at Stratford Road in 2002 and staff spent many happy years providing enriching alternative education to high school aged children. The school originally opened to provide education for 45 pupils across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. The success of programmes offered by the school have increased the numbers on roll over the years and that, together with the addition of ACERs Medical pupils in September 2012, led to the current building no longer being adequate to accommodate all pupils on one site. We are proud to have taken occupation of this purposely refurbished buildings on Weldbank Lane, Chorley (Formerly Bankside Centre). Extensive work was carried out to provide the pupils with a fully equipped, fresh & modern learning environment. All staff and pupils have benefited greatly from this investment made by Lancashire County Council and September 2013 marked the start of exciting new beginnings for all at Shaftesbury High School.