Weldbank Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 3NQ
01257 249803


At Shaftesbury, we are committed to delivering a personalised curriculum, the derivation of which is based on thorough assessment of a pupil’s needs and preferences alongside their strengths and areas for development. Our curriculum also takes into consideration the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of the children and also attempts, whatever their age, to prepare them to become well-adjusted members of the wider community.

The curriculum takes into account the requirements of the National Curriculum wherever possible given that the majority of children will be reintegrated into mainstream education.

Curriculum Delivery:

  • Promotes positive attitudes and encourages cooperation between peers and adults.
  • Incorporates a learning environment which focuses on an individual need, interest and concern yet requires children to work collaboratively and develop their individual social skills.
  • Optimises success by matching level of challenge to individual children’s levels of attainment and rates of development, through regular and consistent monitoring and assessment.
  • Provides equal opportunities regardless of gender, race and religion.

The curriculum at Shaftesbury High School includes the core subjects of:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • PSHE
  • PE

Personal, Social and Health Education is a central part of the curriculum and underlies our philosophy in affecting change in the behaviour and emotional well-being of the children in our care.  There are opportunities for aesthetic, practical and creative experiences in Art, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Activities.  

Although it is not taught as a stand alone subject, ICT is taught across the curriculum and through embedding essential skills within lessons. Pupils will learn the key skills they will require to perform effectively through school and as they transition into working life.

The Key Stage 4 curriculum includes additional option subjects as well as working with Young Peoples Service, Local colleges and Work Experience providers.


We have a wide variety of options available to choose to study in addition to core subjects.  Please see our Options Booklet with further details to help make a choice.