Alongside the curriculum we deliver and support a huge range of both external and internal interventions aimed at supporting pupils.
Summary of the individual and small group interventions delivered at school:
ELSAs are Teaching Assistants who have had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from educational psychologists to help them in their work. ELSAs help children and young people learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. They provide the time and space for pupils to think about their personal circumstances and how they manage them.
Our ELSAs can help with:
There will always be children and young people in school facing life challenges that detract from their ability to engage with learning, and some will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others. When our pupils find themselves struggling and encounter difficulties with their emotional health our ELSAs will be there to listen, provide additional TLC and support them. To do this they plan and deliver programmes of support, and these can be delivered on an individual basis, but sometimes small group work is more appropriate, especially in the areas of social and friendship skills. Sessions are fun and we use a range of activities such as: games, role-play with puppets or arts and craft. ELSA sessions take place in our very own 'ELSA/ Intervention room' which provides a calm, safe space for the pupil to feel supported and nurtured.
As a supportive measure, all pupils can access our school counsellor. Our School Counsellor is a qualified CBT Therapist and can complete screening assessments for mental health conditions. She also supports with referrals to external agencies. This service provides emotional support for pupils to champion their wellbeing.
We work closely with Lancashire Fire & Rescue, Education Department; who deliver a number of schemes in school. This can be completed on a 1-1 basis where necessary or throughout presentations. This is to promote pupil safety and extend their knowledge/ awareness around specific aspects i.e. Fire Safety/ Water Safety. School will make the referrals as necessary.
School work closely with the Early Intervention Team to identify young people who require additional support in the community. Early Intervention is an approach used by Lancashire Constabulary to prevent problems arising (or developing) at the earliest possible opportunity. It involves partner agencies working together with a family or individual, intervening early to prevent further problems occurring. School will make the referrals as necessary.
At Shaftesbury, we are focused on improving Mental Health Literacy. We use evidence-based programmes; i.e ELSA Programme/ School Counsellor/ work alongside CAMHS/ Phoenix and Butterfly Project. All our pupils are shown how to access KOOTH (online mental wellbeing community) Parent guide available here. Positive awareness of Mental Health is taught throughout the PSHE Curriculum and external providers are brought into school to discuss particular topics linked to Mental Health i.e Sam Tyrer (Prevention and Engagement Lead). Staff have access to Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools training and complete regular training. School also works closely with the Local Authority Educational Psychologist for All Staff training.
Personalised interventions delivered by our intervention mentor and key staff include:
Restorative approaches restore relationships following conflict or disagreement. RJ gives individuals an opportunity to understand how their behaviour has affected others. By focusing on the harmful behaviour rather than rejecting the individual, the process allows participants to accept and respect each other, acknowledge harm and make amends for the harm caused.
At Shaftesbury High School, this process is facilitated by RJ Champions who support participants in understanding feelings, taking responsibility for actions and finding a way for everyone involved to move forward. The aim being to restore trust through effective communication and mutual respect.